Lateena Plummer: Pretty Like a Barbie InterviewLateena Plummer: Pretty Like a BarbieLateena Plummer in conversation with Anna Froelicher discussing her path to becoming a dancehall queen, her initial musical experiences in Switzerland together with collaborators like Modulaw, and her plans for the future.
Studio Feixen & Phantom Hands: Celebrating the Joinery InterviewStudio Feixen & Phantom Hands: Celebrating the JoinerySwiss graphic designer Felix Pfäffli and entrepreneur Deepak Srinath on their collaborative project: The Crocodile Chair.
Samuel Reinhard: How the Desert Taught Me to Rest and Listen ReportSamuel Reinhard: How the Desert Taught Me to Rest and ListenHow a failed residency led composer Samuel Reinhard to discover a few guiding principles for his practice.
On Immediacy Editors’ NoteOn ImmediacyThe editors on the art of approximation – and the restoration of the future potential of our present.
Editors’ Note: On Fabulating Editors’ NoteEditors’ Note: On FabulatingMyths, fantasizing, gossip and story-telling are part of our daily life and popular culture. In our thematic cluster on fabulating we concentrate on such practices.