On Alliance Editors’ NoteOn AllianceAlliances are ambivalent, prone to deception and disappointment, characterized by double-dealing and unanswered questions. They are coalitions that make demands on those who enter into them.
Frank B. Wilderson III: Afropessimism InterviewFrank B. Wilderson III: AfropessimismOn Afropessimism and the chances of coalitions and alliances across race lines.
Max-Philip Aschenbrenner: Practices of (Con)Solitude The Run-UpMax-Philip Aschenbrenner: Practices of (Con)SolitudeRecent developments seem to bring artistic and activist practices closer together – at times even refusing to acknowledge any difference between the two. We asked the German dramaturge and performer Max-Philip Aschenbrenner what ambivalences a socially engaged art might produce.
Cross-Pollinating Environments: An Interview with Alexandra Pirici InterviewCross-Pollinating Environments: An Interview with Alexandra PiriciThe practice of the Romanian performer, choreographer, and artist Alexandra Pirici deals with interconnections and association on different levels. For V/A, Edith Arnold spoke to Pirici about her quest for new forms of experiencing, knowing and becoming.