Paz Guevara: Resistant Plurality InterviewPaz Guevara: Resistant PluralityCurator Paz Guevara has assembled artists, activists, and scientists for O Quilombismo at Berlin’s Haus der Kulturen der Welt – an intergenerational and multi-sensory experience that is excessive in the best sense of the word.
Shuyi Cao: Speculative Geology, Paradoxical Kin EssayShuyi Cao: Speculative Geology, Paradoxical KinNew York-based artist Shuyi Cao contemplates our current environmental precarity in the aftermath of colonialism, productivism, and capitalist extraction.
On Alliance Editors’ NoteOn AllianceAlliances are ambivalent, prone to deception and disappointment, characterized by double-dealing and unanswered questions. They are coalitions that make demands on those who enter into them.
Max-Philip Aschenbrenner: Practices of (Con)Solitude The Run-UpMax-Philip Aschenbrenner: Practices of (Con)SolitudeRecent developments seem to bring artistic and activist practices closer together – at times even refusing to acknowledge any difference between the two. We asked the German dramaturge and performer Max-Philip Aschenbrenner what ambivalences a socially engaged art might produce.