Maya Man: Feeling Lucky ReportMaya Man: Feeling LuckyLA-based artist Maya Man on self-documentation, TikTok, her NFT series “Ugly Bitches,” and the elusive thresholds of authenticity.
In Words The Run-UpIn WordsNew York-based writer Fiona Alison Duncan reflects on (in)dependencies and interdependencies, on intimacy and individuality, on in-and-out lists, on inclusivity and intentionality.
Intimacy and the Machine: Gamergirl Bathwater – or: “Is Hentai Art”? EssayIntimacy and the Machine: Gamergirl Bathwater – or: “Is Hentai Art”?How is technology shaping our desires? What bodies and faces populate our screens? What’s left of the flesh in virtual spaces? Biz Sherbert addresses these and other questions in her essay, following human and non-human actors that reflect the state of our libidinal economy.